Build your own CDN - Part 2: Using Nomad to manage Caddy

In the previous post we discussed how to provision, and keep TLS certs in synch across multiple Caddy instances. In this post we will look at how to dynamically create and distribute Caddy configuration to multiple nodes using Hashicorp’s Nomad. Similar to other orchestrations tools such as Kubernetes, Nomad allows you to schedule and run containers, and non-containerized applications, across many servers with a standardized configuration. Using nomad, we can manage multiple servers, in many datacentres, to create those Points of Presence (PoPs) for our CDN we discussed in our previous post....

May 17, 2024

Using as a remote builder for nixpkgs

A service I enjoy using, and write about often, is, as it lets me have compute on demand, without having to worry about provisioning and managing it an entire server. Editors Note: This was a fun experiment, but you are likely better off using a managed service such as for anything even resembling a production use case. One of my latest use cases for it, is to offload building of nixpkgs from my low powered laptop, to a remote builder on fly where I can provision as many resources as I need, for as short of a period of time as needed....

May 13, 2024

Build your own CDN - Part 1: Synch TLS certificates across all your PoPs with Caddy

As a part of building a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for Gitea Pages, I’m documenting my process to share my experience with others. The reason I’m building one from scratch, rather than using a pre-built solution like Amazon CloudFront, is the potential need for many unique TLS certificates. From past experience, I’ve learned that there are limits to how many certificates you can have on a single CloudFront distribution. This is the first post in a series that will document the process of building a CDN from scratch....

October 31, 2023

Using Nix with Gitea Actions

Carl Sagan once said, “If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.” In the world of software, creating a reproducible build environment is the universe you need to invent. This post will walk you through using Nix in tandem with Gitea Actions to make that universe a reality for your projects. I am an enthusiastic user of Nix and am a maintainer of several packages....

September 3, 2023

Watchtowner... but for Kubernetes!?!

Watchtower is an excellent tool for keeping your containers up to date. It’s a process that runs on a schedule and checks for new versions of your containers, and if it finds one, it pulls the new image and recreates the container with the latest image. It’s built for Docker, and it works great for Docker. But what about Kubernetes? Keel, a Kubernetes operator, also achieves what Watchtower can do but can automate Helm, DaemonSet, StatefulSet & Deployment updates....

May 18, 2023

Using to host static sites (formerly BunnyCDN) is a low-cost, high-performance CDN provider that can be used to host static sites. This post will walk through the steps to hosting a static site using it. Creating a Storage Zone The first step is to create a storage zone. The storage zone is where the static site will be stored. To do this, log into the dashboard, click the Storage Zones tab, and follow the steps to create a new storage zone....

April 18, 2023

Secure SSH Access with SSH Certificates Managed by HashiCorp's Vault

Warning: This post describes a non-production setup of Vault. As such, it is not hardened with appropriate security measures, and it is not recommended to use this setup in production. You should use this for learning purposes on SSH CAs and Vault. SSH certificates are an effective way to secure SSH server access. They can restrict users and the commands they can run, making them especially valuable for managing access to multiple servers....

April 16, 2023

Playing around with Gitea Actions on is a “serverless” hosting platform usually used to host web services. It can be used for more than just web services; it can also be used to run long-running tasks. I wanted to try a new way to run the Gitea Actions runner, and would be interesting way to try out. Treat this as a proof of concept, I’m unsure if this is a good idea, but it’s fun to try out....

April 3, 2023